Focus on MUW

Już po raz 10ty eksperci szkolili z chirurgii laparoskopowej i technik szycia
A scientific and training conference organized by the Department of General, Gastrointestinal and Oncologic Surgery UCC MUW and the Center for Postgraduate Education MUW was held on April 19 and 20. The program included knot tying in laparoscopy and the performance of gastrointestinal anastomoses. The participants were supervised by Prof. Thomas Carus, a renowned specialist in minimally invasive surgery.

Lecture by world-renowned expert on intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation
The expert was Prof. Kareem Abu-Elmagd, a pioneer in the development of intestinal and multi-organ transplantation, and creator of the concept of intestinal rehabilitation and integrated treatment of patients with intestinal failure. He recently introduced a novel surgical procedure for treating intestinal malrotation in both children and adults. He gave the lecture at MUW at the invitation of the Doctoral School and Dr. Wacław Hołówko of the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery.
Stypendyści ministra zdrowia na rok akademicki 2023/2024
As he does every year, the minister honored medical students showing significant scientific or sports achievements. Among the winners are eight students from our university. During the Senate meeting held on April 22, the students received congratulations from Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW.
O nowoczesnych technikach i inspirujących wyzwaniach w pielęgniarstwie
A scientific and training conference aimed at nursing students was held at MUW. The goal: to show that nursing is a broad and innovative field, while the modern nurse is not only competent and independent at work, but also takes on many interdisciplinary challenges.
Interdyscyplinarnie o ginekologii i położnictwie
The student conference "Gynecology and Obstetrics Interdisciplinarily" was held within the walls of our university. The event brought together more than 350 participants from all over Poland interested in a broader perspective on women's reproductive health. The Student Scientific Circle at the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology MUW invited them to participate in the deliberations.
Grupa osób, elegancko ubranych - laureaci konkursu i jury. Uśmiechają się i machają do aparatu.
The jury of the Golden OTIS Trust Award 2024 recognized 30 people. The honorees included: Prof. Leszek Królicki of the Department of Nuclear Medicine UCC MUW, Dr. Magdalena Skarżyńska of the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care MUW, and Prof. Sebastian Granica, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology MUW. Among the awardees is also Dr. Tomasz Grzywa, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine MUW and the Doctoral School MUW.
Odkrywanie leków: od pomysłu do nowych mechanizmów działania
Professor Oliver Plettenburg, Head of the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, a specialist in the search for new substances with potential therapeutic use in humans, with ties to both academic community and innovative industry, spoke about what this path looks like. His lecture was full of valuable insights into the process of discovering new drugs.
Grafika: żółte tło, na nim grafy związane ze studiowaniem oraz logo QS WUR
QS World University Rankings by Subject are annual compilations of the world's leading universities, prepared according to the academic disciplines they pursue. The rankings are intended to help university candidates choose the best universities. In the latest edition of the ranking, published on April 10, our university was ranked in the 401-450 best universities in the world in the Medicine discipline and is the second highest ranked university from Poland in this category.
Sukces piłkarek ręcznych AZS WUM
The team won bronze in the Academic Championships of Warsaw and Mazovia. In the match for third place, the players faced the AZS SGGW team, beating their opponents by as many as ten goals.
Czterech mężczyzn pozujących do zdjęcia. Trzech młody, jeden w średnim wieku. Uśmiechają się, w dłoniach trzymają podpisane kartki papieru.
They were signed by: The Self-Government of the Faculty of Pharmacy MUW, the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students and the District Pharmacy Chamber in Warsaw. The main purpose of the agreement is to exchange experiences between pharmacy students and pharmacists in order to shape and promote the highest professional standards.